Friday, February 19, 2010

Guilt and Responsibility

Since sin is pervasive and self-interest is universal, people pursue their own interests, often in blatant disregard for, or at the expense of, the interests of others. As a result, political conflict is rarely a contest between innocent saints and culpable sinners. Rather, political conflict is a by-product of humans pursuing individual and collective interests that they perceive as politically and morally legitimate....Not surprisingly, groups find it easy to blame others for moral wrongdoing, although they are reluctant to acknowledge their own role in fostering and sustaining it.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mark R. Amstutz: The Healing of Nations

If a nation is to reckon effectively with past regime offenses, it must publicly acknowledge wrongdoing, for without truth telling there can be no accountability, and without accountability there can be no forgiveness. Indeed, the only route to individual and collective moral rehabilitation is through memory and acceptance of responsibility.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

John Perkins: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

I am certain that when enough of us become aware of how we are being exploited by the economic engine that creates an insatiable appetite for the world’s resources, and results in systems that foster slavery, we will no longer tolerate it. We will reassess our role in a world where a few swim in riches and the majority drown in poverty, pollution, and violence. We will commit ourselves to navigating a course toward compassion, democracy, and social justice for all.
Admitting to a problem is the first step toward finding a solution. Confessing a sin is the beginning of redemption. Let this book, then, be the start of our salvation. Let it inspire us to new levels of dedication and drive us to realize our dream of balanced and honorable societies.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"Thank You Jamaica"

This is personal but I will shear it with you.
Thank you JAMAICA
For holding me up
For helping me in times of need
For sheltering me
For shearing your wisdom with those
Who walks on your shores
For giving away almost all you have.
It's only a pity...they don't see you as I do.
But don't cry JAMAICA, I'm standing by.
You have made me strong to help you through.
I know you love me too.