Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Note Book: The Path We Chose...

Every human being is consigned to death after a relatively short and delimited life, even while humans have the intellectual capacity to imagine a better world that is presently beyond their experience.

We all have our heroes. For some it is Superman! For others it is God. For others it is us. For others it is our parents. For others it is the Goddess Mother Nature. For every person there is a reality. For every person there is a truth only they can define. Depending on their experience their heroes are positive or negative, but they will have them...As a human race we are evolving, what we evolve into is entirely up to us. Just as our reality is up to us, so is the future reality of our children and how they then build upon it.

Governments are not the social-maximizing entities they are often assumed to be in introductory economics textbooks. Policies reflect pressures by domestic interest groups and the preferences of governments and political institutions, as well as actions of other governments, who in turn are responding to their own interest groups.